Hannah’s Dance: „No matter what we keep on dancing“ 

Quelle: J. Rösener

An einem sehr bewegenden und lehrreichen Zeitzeugengespräch über das Leben als jüdische Künstlerin im Nationalsozialismus nahmen gestern die Klassen 10.1 und 10.2 teil. Geleitet wurde das virtuelle Projekt von der Regisseurin Gail Prensky aus Washington D.C. und der New Yorkerin Evelyn Summer, die die Biographie Ihrer Mutter Hannah eindrucksvoll nacherzählte. Hannah wuchs in Berlin auf, überlebte die Schoah, wanderte nach New York aus, eröffnetet dort ein Tanzstudio und gab dort ihr Lebensmotto: „No matter what we keep on dancing“ an mehr als tausend Tänzerinnen und Tänzer weiter.  

Die positiven Rückmeldungen unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler geben einen Einblick, wie inspirierend „Hannah’s Story“ ist:  

“yesterday we had a video conference in which you told us the extraordinary story of your mother and her escape to the United States where she opened her own dance studio. You told us about the influence her passion, dancing, had on her life and she never stopped dancing, this was quite inspiring. I believe that everybody should take example of this story and never give up their dreams. It was a pleasure to be able to take part in such a special event. I think all of us would like to get in contact with you again. I hoped you liked to talk to us too. 

I hope you have a great weekend.“ 

„thank you very much for yesterday it was an excellent afternoon. Your presentation about your mother’s story was so wonderful and inspired me not to let go on my passion no matter what will happen.“ 

“We’d love to let you know that we felt totally honored and thankful having the great opportunity to get to know Hanna’s important and moving story so much better.“ 

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